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Dedublicate your stuff

Remember I takled about backups? Well, I have small funny story to share.

I have folder Notes with … well, notes (copy #1).

  • Inside it git repository (interesting thing, it was accidental, then I thought ‘Why not?’) which synchronizes with my git server (+1 copy)
  • It have repository file hystory (Let’s exclude it for simplicity)
  • This folder syncs with my file cloud server (+1)
  • Servers uses ceph storage, so there is x3 copies of same data (x3)
  • Also, there are snapshots (Let’s say x4)
  • In addition to that, there is offsite backups (Let’s say x2)
  • File cloud syncs with another devices (Let’s say x2)

So in total I have 1x2+(1+1)x3+(1+1)x4+(1+1)x2 = 20 copies of same Notes folder! (if we count snapshots as copies)